...Accountants (Hangers On) Didnt He? How do you go from nothing in 1968 to nothing in 2009 after 41 years in the Global music business, 175,000,000+ in disc sales, countless grammy awards, music rights to The Beatles songs through the $47.5 Million 1985 acquisition of ATV Music Publishing over which he and Sony were having a fight, not to mention Paul McCartney ?

What about his poor mother Kathleen, whom watched her baby grow and rise as a 9 year old singing and dancing sensation to International super stardom with legions of admirers worldwide, only to then see him go through financial, legal, emotional and a host of other turmoil and anguish, etc etc ( Hell ) and then die before she does. Normally our parents leave before us. Her heart must be so broken right now. This is the saddest day in Music!