are fairly good or at least durable? My blackberry curve 8330 broke, and now I need a new phone. I'm a bit short on money atm but I cannot last without a phone, so I want a short contract so I can get a new and better one when I can.
I like the blackberry curve 3G, but, according to Telus (when I went into the store) they said it's only available on a 3 year contract for 0 dollars (I don't like 3 year contracts, because most of the time, my phone won't make it much past a year and a half... luckily I only ever do 2 year contracts at the most :S) or on the no term contract for the full price (329.00$ or so).
Then I looked at some of the slideout phones, like the samsung intensity. I thought it looked decent, and in the store they told me it was free on a 2 year contract, and 80$ on a 1 year contract or 150$ on a no term contract (my budget is 100$ atm btw.) unfortunately, online, I checked the reviews for it, and most of them were horrible, there were some good reviews, but a lot of people didn't like the phone. Another slideout was the evergreen, but, again, a lot of bad reviews, some good too though... but, yeah. Plus, If I remember, the evergreen was a bit above my budget.

So, any idea what phones from Telus are inexpensive and on a 1 or 2 year contract and are at least fairly good or could last the full time?

All I really need is a phone that has a full keyboard so I can text, and a decent battery life and can make calls (though I don't intend to call with it very much).

So, any phones? :S