When I was a member, for 40 years, I was depressed and unhappy. I reached a point where I did not have a reason to continue on with my life.

What advise do the elders give, when you go to them with a deep and patterned depression, and tell them you want to "end it all"?
At 19 years of age, I studied with an "anointed" sister, who is now dead, "Ione Hall". I became a baptised Jehovah's Witness on April the 6th, 1970. I am totally disabled from a motorcycle accident I suffered prior to becoming a member.

I spent many years in San Diego, Arizona, Michigan, Indiana, and Tennessee as a member in good standing.

I suffered from major depressions for a good part of my 40 years, and I did request assistance from our local elders.

My question is to learn what procedural methods are practiced by Jehovah's Witness Elders in the event a member approaches them with this malady.

Again, I ask that the members here respectfully disregard the opinions of a member her who insists I was never a member, obviously to discredit the questions I ask as "invalid", due to a lack of personal experience or knowledge.
I assure you, I was a member, and if that is a question you still have, I am very willing to establish a communication through Yahoo Answers that will satisi
At 19 years of age, I studied with an "anointed" sister, who is now dead, "Ione Hall". I became a baptised Jehovah's Witness on April the 6th, 1970. I am totally disabled from a motorcycle accident I suffered prior to becoming a member.

I spent many years in San Diego, Arizona, Michigan, Indiana, and Tennessee as a member in good standing.

I suffered from major depressions for a good part of my 40 years, and I did request assistance from our local elders.

My question is to learn what procedural methods are practiced by Jehovah's Witness Elders in the event a member approaches them with this malady.

Again, I ask that the members here respectfully disregard the opinions of a member her who insists I was never a member, obviously to discredit the questions I ask as "invalid", due to a lack of personal experience or knowledge.
I assure you, I was a member, and if that is a question you still have, I am very willing to establish a communication through Yahoo Answers that will satisi
satisify any need to know this fact.

Only "Fear" would motivate a member to try to destroy the questions I am asking...fear of having to answer them truthfully...

Sorry about the "double post"
I believe it is a very disrespectful, and dangerous practice, to attempt to censure a question that could assist those with thoughts of suicide.

The YA Community has been invited to observe this question for understanding of specific procedural practices followed by this religious group, I hope this member realizes the negative position he/she is placing the community in, that represents his religious views.?

Yahoo Answers has been informed of this member's insistence on discrediting me as a "one-time" member of this organization. Regardless of this false accusation, persons with this affliction are real, and this attempt to dissuade members from answering is purely unchristian, and blatantly at that.