I listen to stuff from back in the day? I grew up around the music that my parents be playing. Like: The Temptations, The Four Tops, Diana Ross, The Gee Bees, Jackson 5, Areosmith, Sister Sledge and so n so. I also like the bands, Daughtry, Paramore, Tears for fears, Madonna, Britney Spears and all that. When I told my friends that I listened to all that, they made fun of me. They told me that I shouldn't be listening to that oldies stuff, and I should be listing to Rap and Hip-Hop! Just because I'm a black person, doesn't mean that I HAVE to listen to rap music or any of today's shit music! I like some of today's, but still. My cousins also told me that black people don't listen to Rock, Pop or Country, WE LISTEN TO RAP AND HIP-HOP!!! But I HATE that kind of music. So they told me that I can't hang out with them anymore! What the hell?!