I recently picked up a cat from a gentleman who could not support it anymore. The cat roamed around outside with him and some neighbors feeding it. He was taken in to his house during the winter, and is litter trained.

When I first got him, 5 days ago, he was so happy to be in my apartment. He never stopped purring, he would come when I called him, eat his food etc. I then took him to the vet and they said he was an older cat possibly 12 years old. He also was missing a tooth and another one chipped. So we got him some medical hard food and science diet soft. That night he ate all of his wet and some of his hard. We had to give him Dentrol, dewormer, the next day which caused him to drool unbelievably and he hated us for it. He threw up later that day, but at night he ate all of his soft food. Now he hasnt eaten in 2 days, but is very hungry, he whines and cries when I am in the kitchen and runs to his food dish if I put some down but wont eat it.

Could he be wanting outside, as he has meowed at the door a couple times, and is just being a hard head by not eating? Sorry this is so long but the vet is not open today and I just want to make sure he is not going to starv even though I know instincts wont let them..but he did try and eat a wood chip this mourning, but wont eat his food? He is underwieght and I was hoping he would love his new food, which he did for 2 days...now nothing?