...(does NOT add html body tags) ?)? I would like to edit my code in an HTML wysiwyg editor, but I don't want it putting in the html & body tags automatically because this file is just an include file. The header & footer, including proper tags, is written by the outer PHP.

I tried many of the free programs, and ALL so far put in these tags. Do any not do this? Especially free or inexpensive ones? CoffeeCup looked like maybe it didn't, but I'm hoping their might be a less expensive one out there.
I do generally edit in code view, but it is far less work to edit simple contents or just simple edits with visual view.

When I want to edit just the code and then preview it in a browser, I use notepad and then save and refresh. Works, but cumbersome.

Is there not any other program that will let you switch back and forth to a visual editor without auto-correcting your html (or at least not automatically inserting the html / body tags)?

I don't even need the editor to ignore or understand php, I just need it to display straight html in a wysiwyg editor fashion.

I will check out CoffeeCup in more detail. Tried PHPCoder, but it doesn't appear to be wysiwyg.