I take really good notes. I rewrite my notes. I re-read them, I recite them out loud. I make flash cards. I do everything to study. I study everyday. I even talk to my professors and ask them for explanations on concepts just to make sure I'm not misinterpreting anything but I'm getting everything correct. But on the exams I'm scoring 70's. I don't get it. I'm not stupid. I was a straight "A" student in high school. I speak 3 languages. I'm pretty damn good with practical nursing and medicine. But when it comes to my psychology tests, math tests, anthropology tests, etc., I receive average letter grades. I need a minimum of a 2.7 for this scholarship I'm applying for and I can't even get a 2.7. I'm at 2.3---2.4. I even see tutors and they're constantly complaining that I don't need the tutoring because I'm getting everything correct.
What am I doing wrong? I'm at that point where I'm starting to think that maybe I should give up but I tell myself that's not the solution and I study more to make up for feeling sorry for myself. Do I have some sort of test anxiety? I've spoken with my professors about this and they tell me to just study. They think I'm lying about how hard I study every day because of how my exams turn out.