it feels kind of numb and warm at the same time, and I can barely feel it when I put a finger up there.
And after we did it, I went to the bathroom and there was a little but of blood there. My boyfriend is probably around 8 or 9 inches and pretty big, he's big too, and it really hurt when he was trying to get it in, but he was using lots of lube. But the weird thing is I could hardly even feel him inside me once he started, and I think he went pretty deep. He might have used anti-pain lube. At the end, my rear just felt weird, and that feeling hasn't gone away. I'm afraid I might have done damage to myself, is this possible? Should I have waited until I was older until we had anal sex? It was his idea in the first place, and he's 17, and now I'm kind of angry at him for even wanting it.