I'm sure this question has been asked a lot here, but I couldn't find a post that fit me exactly, so I'll just start a new post. Two nights ago, before I went to sleep my throat started to feel kinda sore. Keep in mind also that both of my parents had a cold over the past week or so. Anyway, yesterday morning I woke up with a sore throat and some congestion. Then last night I had trouble sleeping since my sinuses hurt and my legs were kinda achy. This morning I woke up and felt a little better. Throughout the day today I started coughing a little bit (I have seasonal asthma too), but the aches and everything were gone. Then tonight again my legs started to hurt and I have a slight fever (99.5). I don't want to spend the money to go to the doctor if it's just a cold, but the leg aches and slight fever worry me a little bit. Are these somewhat common with a cold? Anyone have any experience?