Look at it this way: The handsome man gets lots of attention from the ladies, gets married, then has to work 24/7 just to provide his 'love' all of the things she wants in life. If he is unlucky and she asks for a divorce then he will lose everything he has works so hard in life to to obtain.

Meanwhile, the UGLY man is unwanted, nobody wants him, so he gets a pet cat or dog for companionship, but he works NORMAL hours, has a NORMAL life, and gets to sleep without stress of losing everything he has worked for all his life.

I ask you; which of the two are better off in life?
( by-the-way, I'm considered to be UGLY, so I sort of have an understanding of what its like to be alone and unwanted. I have gotten used to it and I am not angry or resentful in any way, but I now see the 'Handsome' men getting their balls served to them in divorce courts, its just horrible how i see their lives being totally destroyed ! I now feel a bit lucky to be ugly and unwanted, I have been spared the pain and the agony.