my chinchilla has flaky ears, it doesn't seem to bother her, but it just doesn't look normal. it is only on the outsides of her ears. I thought it was fungus, but its not on any other part of her skin. could it be from giving her too much dust baths? I only give them to her 2-3 times a week, and I leave the dust with her all night and then take it away in the morning. ( I do this because she doesn't like to have baths while I am looking at her and she only rolls in it for a couple seconds then leaves and then an hour later she will go back to the bath) The flakes look like clumps of dust the is just stuck to her ears, I try to wipe it off and it just stays there.. almost like it is stained? is this normal, and should I be worried? I don't think its worth paying the vet a visit just because she is healthy and completely normal other then that.
she is only 2 years old, and eats very well, and weighs a healthy weight.