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  1. #1
    baby-girl27's Avatar

    who thinks global warming is taking an effect?

    it is like 85 degrees in january here in riverside, it should be raining right now. i am scared of Global Warming! how many more years do you think people will last until Global Warming kills us? how can i make a change? what is causing global warming?

  2. #2
    rcv4e's Avatar
    Global warming gets worst every month. stronger hurricanes. snow in places that haven't seen any snow in years. the north pole and south poles are melting, creating higher sea levels. cities that are by the ocean will soon be under water. what causes global warming? greenhouse gases and other chemicals that ruin the ozone layer and the other layers that suppose to protect the earth from the suns dangerous Rays... changes here and there won't stop it or slow it down. What can stop it? not electric cars, not hybrids, solar or hydrogen cars....if the U.N. got together and agreed on major changes...only then will we start to see anything improve... I don't understand why they won't make it a law to recylce here in the U.S. but i doubt any of that will ever happen... so prepare for stronger hurricanes, higher sea levels and more extreme temperatures...

  3. #3
    mike's Avatar
    global warming is already taking affect look at the ice caps for an example there billions of ice melting in a week

  4. #4
    Kepi's Avatar
    Global Warming isn't going to kill us. It's simply a ploy perpetuated by greedy politicians to get your cash.

    We're in a cooling trend. Global Warming isn't going to affect us for quite some time. Most likely hundreds of years, but it's impossible to know.

    Even if it were happening, it wouldn't be that bad.

    Humans have lived through Global Warming before. Cavemen survived it fine in fur clothing. I think we've advanced just a little bit since then.

  5. #5
    Joeblow's Avatar
    Are you nuts our winters are getting colder and colder

  6. #6
    henry m
    henry m's Avatar
    Hey, I'm also in southern California, and I am POSITIVE global warming does not exist. At least, not the definition that it is: HUMANS causing global warming.

    Have you heard of the conference where they told 31,000 names of scientists who opposed global warming? Well, that's because it's not popular for the media to say anything bad about global warming... It's been an accepted fact for so long, and all their Hollywood stars talk about it - aren't they SOO much more knowledgeable than the scientists??? That's what I thought =P. Look at the sources for the website where I first found out about it.

    You hear about how sea levels are rising? Well, they are. I cannot deny that. I won't; I am just telling the truth. It is rising. Look at this graph: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Post-Glacial_Sea_Level.png
    But wait... It looks to me like it's evened out over the past 8 thousand years... How odd... Darn, doesn't seem like that's true either... *Sigh*

    Have you heard about the great increase of temperature over the past 1000 or so years? Well, I decided to look that up. And boy, was I surprised! Look what I found: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png. It shows the GREAT increase of temperature over the past THOUSAND years - it increased maybe 0.6° C, or 1° F. Even more, it shows there was just a "Little Ice Age." You know what that means? WARMTH!!! We will be warming up for the next few hundred, most likely thousand years. This is not unusual - it has been going on forever, and the earth has been warmer.

    What's next? Antarctic ice melting? About that... Not happening. Just another political ploy spurred by the media. You can't believe everything you hear. Some people say that the Antarctic is growing, some say it's shrinking. However, when I did a little research at a PRO-GLOBAL WARMING WEBSITE, I saw a map of increased temperature everywhere (an average of less than a degree - Fahrenheit). Then again, there was some blue... ON ANTARCTICA!!! Antarctica has gotten colder over the years (remember, from a PRO global warming website), so I believe that Antarctic ice is growing. Furthermore, I found this website: http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/0110/p14s01-sten.html. It says that Arctic ice is shrinking, but Antarctic ice is growing. However, Antarctic ice makes up about 90% (I've heard 92%) of Earth's ice, and Greenland makes up more than 4% of the remaining ice - the Arctic is barely there at all.

    Remember, you can always see the truth if you look for the facts, not the warnings, not the estimates. One of the first (and most important) believers in global warming estimated the increase to be more than 300% what it was. 300%!!! Do you know how much off that is? That's like saying a baseball player with a .333 hitting average has a 1.000 hitting average (100%). Estimates for global warming are notoriously off; I do not know of a correct estimate - not even one.

    For a laugh, go to the website for concerned scientists (I forget the name exactly), and read through it. I could not find one concrete detail or example of the terrors - only insane things like California having a 2.5 times increased chance of having wildfires. That is so insane... I live here, and there are problems, yes, but we don't have the ocean rising several feet - not even inches.

    So, in conclusion, look carefully at everything you here, and don't fall for the "we have 29,000 examples of global warming" - find out what they are. If they aren't there, that's because they don't exist. Don't listen to the dire warnings - they won't happen.

    I hope this helps!

  7. #7
    peter.jungmann's Avatar
    Yes, global warming is going to kill you.

    Don't let the fact that the rest of the world is experiencing record cold fool you.

  8. #8
    Scorpio Wild Card
    Scorpio Wild Card's Avatar
    starting to get cooler here, especially 08 & 09.



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