About a month ago I had the flu and a lot of coughing was involved. One night it made me throw up and the strain I put on my face caused my nose to bleed. That night my nose kept bleeding on and off from the smallest cough. Although my nose hasn't bled anymore, I've been getting this pain in my left temple area that comes and goes whenever I put a similar strain on my face (like if I cough or lift something). I'm a 24 year old female and my mom was diagnosed with primary hypertension when she was in her 20's (not something that usually happens to people that young). I know you guys aren't doctors, but if there's someone else who's had a similar situation I'd like to know about it. I'm a little weary of going to the doctor because I haven't been in years and I don't want to sound like I'm panicking.

Last night I had a dream that left me a little stressed out when I woke up and now the pain is just there. I tend to be easily angered and it might be connected. I don't know for sure though. There's been a pretty dramatic change in my diet and exercise for the past three or so weeks, but I figured if it was because of that it would have gone away by now.