Alright... I love cows. The cow I am asking about does not belong to me, I want to be clear. However I visit these cows to feed and pet them regularly. I know-- that this is the farmer's responsibility and I don't want to do anything intrusive or step on any toes. But:

This cow has had a wound in place of his right eye for months that I know of. I suspect it was an accident involving the barbed wire fence around the field. My concern is that it does not seem to be improving, and the last couple days I have seen him, it seems very messy and smells terribly strong of infection. I don't see the farmer around often and he doesn't live on site, so I am not able to ask him about it. It doesn't appear that anything is being done about "Jack's" eye.

I hate to see him like that and my question is if there is SOMETHING, ANYTHING that I can do from the sidelines to help him. He trusts me and allows me to get close. Anything that I can safely do / give/ apply for him, I would gladly do. I just don't have any clue what it is I could do.

Does anyone have experience and/or advice in this area? I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you!!

Amanda & "Jack"