By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 09:07 EST, 9 June 2012 | UPDATED: 09:07 EST, 9 June 2012
An 18-year-old girl has fallen to her death on the first day of her new job at Yellowstone National Park.
Hiking with three friends along the North Rim Trail of Yellowstone, the unnamed girl died when a rocky ledge gave way beneath her at Inspiration Point.
Having sat over the outcrop to get a better a better view of Yellowstone Falls, the girl, who is believed to be Russian, fell 400 feet and sustained lethal injuries.
An 18-year-old girl on the first day of her new job at Yellowstone National Park has fallen 400 feet to her death after straining over a ledge to see the Yellowstone Falls, pictured here.

The woman, whose identity was being withheld pending notification of her family, arrived in the park on Thursday to begin a new job with a private concessions company in Yellowstone, spokesman Dan Hottle said.
A member of the hiking party used a cell phone to alert park authorities, who dispatched a rescue team that later reported spotting a badly mangled figure about 400 feet below the north rim of the 1,500-foot-deep canyon, officials said.
Rescuers concluded the woman could not have survived the fall.

The girl who has not yet been named was wandering through the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone when the rocky ledge she was sitting on gave way and she fell 400 feet

The girl who is believed to be Russian, was with three of her friends and it is thought that she had strayed from the designated path at the National Park

With nightfall advancing, search teams returned on Friday and retrieved the body in a three-hour helicopter operation.
Hottle said another member of the hiking party narrowly averted tumbling down the cliff.
'The 18 year old was sitting on a ledge when the rock fell away. Someone was standing right behind her and, miraculously, didn't fall,' he said.
Search teams identified the girl as having suffered catastrophic injuries when they responded to an emergency call and removed her body from where it was lying the next day

Fatal falls are relatively rare at Yellowstone, accounting for fewer than a dozen deaths - among millions of visitors - over the past 30 years.
With over two million visitors annually, Yellowstone famed for being the first national park in the world.
Spanning an area of 3,468 square miles, the park contains bison, wolves and bears that roam free across the park.