Concerns on Health thought to be involved with something spiritual.?
i need help by one who is knowledgeable on health and spiritual experiences..
i have been having these strange pains and discomforts round my heart and upper chest (same side) for some time now, im guessing round 2 months.. these pains are like an electrical jabbing but are rare, the most common feeling i get is tension in my heart and groaning sounds around it, it doesnt hurt to breath at all but i am constantly in anxiety.. i have been to my gp he said my heart was fine that anxiety was the cause.. i wasnt happy with his answer and lacked the trust i needed, so i took matters further lastnight and went to the main hospital, i seen a specialist and they monitored my heart rate etc, things come up fine.. "you heart is healthy and strong". i am told again that my problems were anxiety.. today i have tried with all mind power not to think of negative thoughts such as a possible heart attack is soon to arise or the early stages of angina.. also with this discomfort i get at times short of breath and dizziness. it seems to me whenever i think of god and my sins and how i fear so greatly of falling into hell that i get these feelings.. if it were anxiety i would be able to deal with it, as i suffer from this and have for atleast 8 years and never had these feelings, but now at 22 i am becoming more stronger in faith towards christ and have repented alot and pray desperately.. is god testing my heart or is this a medical condiition.. of course the professionals i seen couldnt say it was spiritual as its not their profession to know.. whoever is well informed with health and spirituality or has experienced something similiar to what im dealing with please enlighten me. for some reason im pursuaded its spiritual.