even if i can't have him as a boyfriend..i want to be friends..and just be close with him. every time i talk to which is A LOT tbh he ignores me or gives me one word answers. is he trying to be polite guys? i just want to be close..so maybe one day he fall for me too. i'm not exactly popular at school but i don't think he cares. and tbh i don't care what other people think. i like being myself. even if it is on my own sometimes....he's not that good-looking but i still like him. i do have feelings for him. what shall i do? he keeps blanking me and not talking to me. should i stop talking to him..because i do WAY TO MUCH. about 10-15 times a day i will start a conversation :|..i can't stop myself. is it possible for his to like me even though he's in love with someone else...? he's told me he likes someone else...he told me because i'm his friend though.