Basically, I have my 360 set up so it can connect to both the WMP on my Vista laptop and the WMP on my XP. Also, my WMP on my Vista can connect to the one on my XP. Yesterday, I don't know what happened but I was messing around on my XP and now it won't work. I have Windows Media Player 11.

The 360 still connects to my Vista WMP but not to my XP WMP. I've googled and tried countless suggestions for hours such as finding the DRM folder and deleting all inside and rebooting and stuff like making sure that in the Services thingy that Windows Media Player Sharing Network or whatever it is was on... please, I'm going crazy. I need help. :-)
It's nothing to do with Live because it's an offline service and I can still use my 360 to connect to my Vista WMP but just not my XP WMP.