There are rudimentary pelvic bones found in many species of Whales. They have also found Femur (thigh) bones in many specimens of Blue and Sperm Whales.
Now as we know, Whales obviously do not walk, so an Intelligently designed Animal would have no need for these bones. The Evolutionary point of view is that Whales are Mammals that returned to the Ocean and lost their legs, now millions of years later, modern Whales show only the rudimentary bones left behind. Here is a website with more info:

Thanks. No Bible passages please.

I am an Atheist and fully subscribe to Evolution.
Problem - Some Christian guy got all funny about what I wrote about not answering with Bible passages and reported me. Quite ironic really.
Frizby - Utterly ridiculous point. Read the question again: Whales have small rudimentary Femur bones at the pelvis, they don't control the Whales fins in any way. Is that seriously your argument? And you wonder why Creationists get abused on here for their utterly farcical arguments? I also love how you wrote "Look at it this way" No, I'm going to look at it the Scientific way thank you.