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  1. #1
    !CoolMama!'s Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    First off, I am an atheist.I will not for a second pretend that I am scientifically education in evolution...I think it's a pretty easy theory to grasp; humans, as we know them, evolved from some type of primitive life.Personally, I am not big into trying to answer life's questions. While I generally tend to side with evolution (only when it's considered the black to creation's white), I really don't care that much.My question is this:I once heard that in all the evidence of evolution, there is no indication as to how the eye evolved. Supposedly there was no organ that performed functions similar to the eye before the eye itself shows up in animals.Is this true? If not, what was this organ that developed into the eye?Since the majority of people who believe strongly in evolution or creationism hang out in the "Religion and Spirituality" section, it is very appropriate for me to post this answer here, as I will likely find someone who knows the answer.If you don't think it should be posted in this section, too bad. Don't "answer." Otherwise, you are going to be reported for cheating for points.Thank you to everyone who explained this and provided websites and such. I guess I am also wondering if any type of primitive life with a partially developed eye that evolved into the human has been discovered?Or would the eye have developed to how we know it long before this primitive life differentiated into something like a primate?InteriorCastle--you are the exact reason why I will never believe in God. Your ignorance obviously extends much further than your fairy tale beliefs.

  2. #2
    !!amy nicole!!
    !!amy nicole!!'s Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?


  3. #3
    !Andy!'s Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    Not to be rude, but this question has absolutely nothing to do with religion and spirituality. You should ask this in the biology section or something.

  4. #4
    Teej's Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    The eye is not irreducibly complex. Go to talkorigins and search. It will explain everything.

  5. #5
    !!CRAZY!!'s Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    I wasn't there, but I would think it started as photosensitive cell. Or at least Dawkins does in "The God Delusion"Read it.Looking at eagles hawks or giant squid you could argue that we do not have "fully evolved" eyes.

  6. #6
    Teedge's Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    Not true. They stated off as light sensors and became more developed over a long period of time.

  7. #7
    !!60 5pur5 60!!
    !!60 5pur5 60!!'s Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    im not an expert in evolution, but i know some about it. im almost positive it came from the nervous system and the brain. Feeling was the only sense some plants have, if any at all. The other senses came with the animal needing to know more around its surroundings to survive.

  8. #8
    teeenaa!'s Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    The eye's evolution is actually well-known. We can see the different stages in various organisms.Here's a video that explains it on an elementary level.

  9. #9
    teekayy's Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    I am not a super Wikipedia fan, but this is a good article that pulls it together in a short format:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_the_eye

  10. #10
    teebeex3's Avatar

    Questions for people who are actually educated in evolution...?

    This is an untruth that creationists spread.Here you go: http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CA/CA113_1.htmlGoogling "eye evolution" will give you the real story, plus links to hundreds of christian sites repeating the false claim.



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