most of us know ours and your's (regardless of what you teach)

the white (modifed albino) man does not have a history he came into being the very same way that the albino did,thru two black parents.

therfore he is subjagated to the same skin diseases (cancers) as the albino.

look at john and cindy mccain and tell me what is the difference between them and albinos.(except the albino will tell you that he came from black parents!)

blond hair and blue eyes are mutations,yet they try to convince the world to accept a mutation as a statement of beauty.....(they make up only 7% of the worlds population).

animals with colored eyes hunt at night think about it!...that,s why they like their meat rare (raw)

they want you to believe that everyone in the ancient world was white (how ridiculous)!

and that every thing great was done by the hands of a white man (the timeline of history does not support the lies....half of the people that they teach you about are is it possible for aristotle to have written over a hundred books in his lifetime.that,s not humanly possible for that time or any time...hmmm!)

everywhere thy go they bring destruction.ever since they have come out of the cold and barren caucaus mts.
(that,s why they are called caucasians...the real cavemen!) they have inflicted atrrocites to this planet like no one else.

ask your self this: why is it that on the flags,crest and shields of armour of the ancient romans and greeks they have elephants,tigers and lions,when these animals are not found in europe naturally, but are
everwhere in africa.hmm! they say that "HANNIBAL"(a black general from africa) was defeated by a european named "LEO AFRICANUS" haha! leo means lion and africanus means black! (look it up for yourself)...silly azz liars.

and why do they have names like swartzanegger(arnold) and moore (roger).swartz=knigger or black and negger = knigger or black and so does moore!(look it up for yourself)

that,s because at one time we ruled all of europe from (711ad-1492) we were their first kings and queens that,s why they don,t tell you the truth about the dark ages,because they were being taught by african "moors".

(look up queen charlotte sophia a black queen of europe in all of her glory)

science has proven that human life started in africa (black is the perfect naturally protecs you from the sun).

it could not start in europe because it's to cold that's a fact (man may have migrated there but never could have started there)

when a baby is born prmature you don't put it in the freezer you put it in a incubator(cotrolled heat and humidity)...the same with plants you put them in a green house (controlled heat and humidity)!

now hold on to your seats and watch how many call me raciest,uneducated,ill-informed etc...because i speak the truth!

they have no problem saying that africa was not all black at that time (IT WAS ALLLLLLLL BLACK) but will tell you that europe was all white.gimme a break!

remember life started with the black man and black woman in the heat of you tell me how so many ancients suddenly become white.

i smell a liar!..digest that and then i will tell you more.