i dropped my car off at a local mechanic ( some family members recommended, huge mistake)
because it was making a weird noise. Turns out something inside the motor broke into pieces and supposedly it was going to cost more to repair the engine than to get another working one with less mileage ( ours had around 130k) btw i dont know anything about cars so please spare me the rude comments.
he made it sound like it was something that could be done in a few days after he found the correct engine for our car. its been a freaking month and my car is not done. every time we go back he keeps saying that he ordered a piece, they gave him the wrong one, the person helping him put the engine in is not in etc... im so sick and tired of the bull. i dont know what to do. when i went today my car had the new engine in but it was not connected. i cannot move my car. and i dont want to pay this idiot for making me wait this long..