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  1. #1
    Mishi's Avatar
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    fear of colonoscopy

    seriousperson, Anxiety is the worst enemy. period. Can you keep yourself VERY busy so you have your mind on other things?

    There are improvements in anesthesia all the time. And, technically, what most people get during a colonoscopy is not anesthesia but relaxants.

    There are different preps. If the facility where you are being tested has any flexibility, you might want to talk to them about possible options (one is where you drink a liquid throughout most of the day before; another is a liquid diet the day before and then a saline laxative at night so the unpleasant swallowing part is very limited in duration - although I know there have been recent warnings about saline laxatives but something else might be getting substituted; and I know a friends elderly mother had a longer fast period because they wanted to use a weaker "cleanser".).

    It is routinely recommended at 50, so you are already 5 years overdue. It does not take symptoms of colon cancer to do it (my b-i-l had no symptoms either, and at age 46 was several years away from a routine colonoscopy when hemorrhoids were acting up so badly that his doctor ordered one anyway; thank goodness, because everyone agrees that, if the growth they found had grown for 4 more years, there would have been nothing they could have done).

    serious, It is a small bit of discomfort weighed again tremendous peace of mind.

  2. #2
    bookman's Avatar
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    fear of colonoscopy

    My headache was gone this morning, so I'm planning to go through with it. Thank you all for the feedback. I'll let you know how it goes.

  3. #3
    Esad M's Avatar
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    fear of colonoscopy

    That is great news...Let us know how it goes, OK?

  4. #4
    ButchQuique's Avatar
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    fear of colonoscopy

    I had one a few years ago. I was terrified because if something is going to go wrong, I am the one it happens to. The worst part was being so scared about it. I wanted to cancel. The day before the test is a day to stay home...lol near the bathroom. When I went for the procedure, the first person had a hard time getting the iv in. I was ready to get up and leave. A second person came in, put it in a different place within a second, no pain, no problem. THe last thing I remember was joking with the doctor. The first memory I have after was already being home, picking up my purse, telling my hubby I was going to the market and his response that I couldn't drive. Oh yeah. I apparently dressed myself, walked to the car and rode home. I had absolutely no pain no problems. I am almost embarrassed at how freaked out I was prior to the test. The drugs today are so much safer. I just took my 82 year old dad for his colonscopy two weeks ago. He was fine and had me drive through McDonald's afterwards

  5. #5
    eskhaton's Avatar
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    fear of colonoscopy

    Mel, your story is so familiar...Colonoscopy is one of those procedures that folks dread, and can get very anxious about. Getting caught up in the perceived fear, is the worst part. That goes for most medical procedures.

    These procedures are called for, as they play a huge role in early detection of possible problems, which left unseen, can be devastating. Having a colonoscopy does NOT mean you have anything. My test showed that my digestive track was healthy and normal, and that is a wonderful thing.

    Wishing the best for you...



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