...something)? Love is something everyone has expierenced. Whether it was good or bad, fearful or pleasent, everyone has had love. Everyone has also fallen out of love. Maybe this has been a good expierence, but most likely it has left everyone, at one time in their live, fearful and lonly. Now, how do you feel when you are lonly on a day like Vanentines day? Sad, lonly, fearful? About half of the earth's population is going to be alone on Febuary 14th, and all these people will most likely be feeling these emotions. So, why would we want a holiday that brings us fear? You could lecture me about the happy, married couples, or the joyful one year relationships. Well who cares? For them everyday is Valentines day. I mean, you must relate to "public display of affection". It's gross! Being left alone on Valentine's day, I think is one of the most fearful things. No friends to go out with, because their all out with their sweety. There is no good T.V. shows to watch because they are all dedicated to this dreadful holiday. You can't watch a movie because almost all of them have romantic scenes, except ofcourse the scary ones, but who wants to watch a scary movie alone? Then you have those wierd creepers that are obsessed with you. You have them stalking you, begging for you to go out with them that night. You are left vulnerable on Valentine's day, without the protection, and no adoration. Now think, even the cliche, "being hit by cupid's arrow", is a scary thought. Being hit by an arrow? What an interesting way to describe love. Valentine's day, if anything, is just a stereotypical event. People think, "Oh, Valentine's day, what a sweet, warm holiday." What these people are obliviouse to, is the fact that half of America will be alone and terrified on this supposibly "sweet, and warm" day. Now you may think, "Well this is great and all, but what can we do about it?" As much as you don't want to hear it, the answer is nothing, we can't do anything. However if it was up to me, I would ditch this holiday and make a singles day, where all the single people would come out of their shells and party. This would be a healthy souloution. Those happy couples are lucky enough, so why do they need a holiday to rub it in? So, my friends, I wish you good luck on this fearful holiday. Singles day will come eventually, until then Valentine's day will have to leave us sick, and scared.