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  1. #1
    !!**Obama is our Prez**!!
    !!**Obama is our Prez**!!'s Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    I love to learn but I hate school. I could sit in a library all day long and read about different topics, make my own projects and learn on my own. When it comes to going to college though I have dropped out 4 times due to the mere fact that I can't be around too many people. I can't even stand up and read a paragraph I turn dark red all over including my hands, sweat literally drips from my body along with intense heat waves radiating off of me. It doesn't stop and it only gets worse. To the point where I need to hold something and I feel like I am going to faint. This has always happened to me, I can't even do a one on one with the teacher themselves without this happening.is anyone else this bad? to jeaprodize my education due to the mere fact that I can't communicate?I think maybe it has something to do with my childhood experiences, I did not go one day without kids literally screaming insults in my face or throwing things at me. I used to ride my bus with my hands over my ears humming pretending not to hear. This continued on through middle school and finally ended in high school, but I lost the ability to talk to people somewhere and I can't get it back.

  2. #2
    Phill L
    Phill L's Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    you more you do it the better you become

  3. #3
    !Catherineee.'s Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    practice makes perfect

  4. #4
    teekay's Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    In all honesty I think you need to see a specialist therapist. I don't think in the space given for Yahoo Answers your problems could be effectively dealt with.Phil

  5. #5
    !@#$%^&*()'s Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    Have you considered an online university program such as the University of Pheonix?

  6. #6
    TeeJay's Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    look into counseling. i was going to suggest taking a public speaking course at college, but your fear is more than that. I think you should look into counseling; find a psychologist, counselor or psychiatrist who specifically works with people who have the problems you're experiencing. you may need to look into a medical referral place to find the physician you need.i pray you're able to find the help you need!

  7. #7
    Phill L
    Phill L's Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    wow. I'm really, really sorry to hear that. Kids can be very mean. I think that it is important that you go see a psychologist. I'm not calling you crazy and I'm not saying you need one. But they listen to you, and they give you advice about what to do, they really do help. remember i said psychologist, not psychiatrist. they are different.

  8. #8
    !!60 5pur5 60!!
    !!60 5pur5 60!!'s Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    What are you really afraid of? Its not the speaking, that's just a symptom of a larger problem. Just remember, everyone came into this world the same way; no one is better than anyone else unless we allow ourselves to think they are. Its all upstairs and can be overcome.

  9. #9
    !Bella!'s Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    You have to realize that virtually all of your anxiety goes unnoticed by others. I know it is hard to believe, but it is not easy to tell when someone is nervous. If anything, just mention that you are a little nervous before you start to speak. It sounds like you have a pretty serious anxiety problem or agoraphobia. I think you should see a therapist and talk about your past experiences. You need to get this stuff off your chest. Be stronger than those people who try to bring you down. This is part of life. Now that those experiences are in the past you have to let them go. It would not be a bad idea to take some anti-anxiety medicine along with some form of therapy. Simply communicating with a therapist will help you a great deal. One thing you could do on your own is start small by practicing communication with family members and close friends.

  10. #10
    phill.serb's Avatar

    HUGE public speaking problem... any help?

    Angela,Many people don't do well in crowds (Enochlophobia), and many have a fear of public speaking (Glossophobia) but the combination of the two is a little more rare. Without knowing you and your background a real diagnosis will be impossible, but I will attempt to help.(1) We get over our fears by embracing them. Practice speaking in front of one or two trusted friends or relatives. Just read a few paragraphs from a book, for instance. When you have conquered that, add a few people to the mix. It helps to at least pretend that everyone in the audience is your friend to reduce the anxiety you feel.(2) With a person you feel safe with, work on being in a crowd starting with very small groups of people. The more you do it, the easier it will get.Anxiety is no joke, it is the flight or fight mechanism born of adrenalin gone out of control. While it is normal to experience a little anxiety both in a crowd or public speaking engagement, what you describe to me is a severe set of symptoms. You mention that kids were cruel to you when you were young, and it is unfortunate that children are so cruel, but they often pick up on a persons weakness and exploit that for their own entertainment. This doesn't mean you are a substandard human, it means that your fears were easy to see and that leads me to believe that your anxiety has been with you a long time. This was what the children were picking up on - your reaction to their cruelty - rather than the individual insults they hurled your direction.This does, however, lead me to believe that a combination of anxiety reducing drugs coupled with talk therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy is what you need to begin the healing process and lead a normal life. Most towns have free mental health clinics or psychologists who will work with you at a reduced rate. I challenge you to seek out help, and be sure it includes cognitive-behavioral therapy and not just anxiety medication. Medication is the band-aid and cbt is the life saving surgery you need to live a more happy life.Good luck, and don't give up!



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