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  1. #1
    Continuation of Bush
    Continuation of Bush's Avatar

    Why are McCain supporters so hesitant to discuss issues of substance?

    Is it because they would rather talk about the falsehoods of Obama being a Muslim (untrue) who pals around with terrorists (untrue)? You claim that he's not a citizen, but his birth certificate is available to the public. McCain was born in the Panama Canal. Now, let's be adults and discuss issues of substance, such as the Keating Five.

  2. #2
    Adam B
    Adam B's Avatar
    How do you run on facts when the president from your party is even less popular than Nixon? How do you run on facts when the price of fuel tripled under your party's control, the military tortured people to death, veterans didn't get the care they needed, the price of housing collapsed, New Orleans was abandoned to die, and the banks are failing?

    When you have nothing to say, this is the kind of stuff you say. When you have nothing but failure to run on, you sling mud like crazy and pray that something sticks.

  3. #3
    glamorousvivica's Avatar
    Ok. Keating Five...4 of whom were Democrats. Umm, like, 20 years ago.

    Next question, please!!

  4. #4
    anonymous's Avatar
    Frankly, yes, it is easier to use catchphrases and jargonism, than it is to debate the issues.

    Look at how McCain's campaign is now sending Palin out to do McCain's dirty work for him, by calling Obama a terrorist, while he himself can hang back and pretend to be some morally superior war hero.

  5. #5
    tmwag's Avatar
    Because they do not have any issues of substance. He has been wrong on the economy, wrong on the war, wrong, wrong, wrong. When you are wrong so often, it is hard to take a firm stand on ANYTHING, as you know more than likely you will be proven wrong AGAIN!!! And now he's found some dumbass that makes him look slightly educated in comparison. They both speak without thinking about what they are saying or who it will impact, don't care what lies they spread, and are full of themselves. If they had a thimblefull of intelligence, they would stop embarrassing themselves and the republican party. I think it is just easier for them to not discuss real issues and instead try to beat the other person down with lies and untruths.



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