So here is the dealio. I've been hearing a loud 'wubwubwubwub' sound coming from the front end of my vehicle. It usually starts around 20mph and lasts upwards of 90mph and gets faster as I climb in speed. At first, I thought it was my front tires (Which were horribly Out-of-round due to previous alignment issues, which have been resolved) since the sound I'm describing sounds more or less like out-of-round tires on pavement.

The thing is, this sound exists when going straight or making left turns, but quickly fades back to what my car USED to sound like(Quiet) when I make any degree of a right turn. It's getting very annoying and vibrates the inside of the car as well as making it difficult to hear. My only guess is that something is awry with the front-end suspension/steering.

I'd appreciate any feedback on what could possibly cause this.

It's worth noting that my rotors are in rough shape and my brakes are almost down to metal. The vehicle in question is a 2002 Saturn SC1