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  1. #1
    plex's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Life@Hand Status?

    I just received this, for those that were wondering?
    "Dear XXXXXX,

    Since it is now the beginning of August, we would like to keep you up to date on
    the progress of Life@Hand.

    Life@Hand development continues at a rapid pace, but due to the complexity,
    unprecedented integration, and number of features, the original plan to release
    a beta this summer will be postponed. To when? As soon as it's ready. The old
    saying goes, "I can do it fast, priced fairly, and good quality--pick 2." We
    chose the latter 2.

    We apologize for the delay, but rest assured that this application will be well
    worth the wait. At this time, we cannot release any further details for legal
    reasons, but once Life@Hand is ready for beta testing, we will be sure to
    contact you.

    Thank you for your patience!

    Best Regards,
    PDA Performance Webmaster"


    And the vaporware just keeps on coming.

  2. #2
    Kasim's Avatar

    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Life@Hand Status?

    Hey, Moose!

    I had never heard of Life@Hand until reading your post. A very quick web search identifies it on a couple of sites as a datebook replacement. I did a search on Palm's web site and found nothing.

    Is it for the LifeDrive only? (I'm guessing this because both names begin with "Life.") Can you point me to a page on Palm's web site that will provide the details and their hype? I've been using DateBk by Pimlico Software for many years (since their version 3) and do not use most of the features that it offers. Nevertheless, I'm always keeping an eye open for new products, programs, etc. and one of the sites I just saw claimed Life@Hand combines the best features of DateBk and Agendus, but did not provide much substantiation. I am, of course, curious. Please let me know when you get a chance. (Vaporware provides us believers with hope!)


    PS - I'll bet the past few days have been "warm" for you. My sister lives nearby in Gustine and I've been receiving weather updates from her.

  3. #3

    Life@Hand Status?

    It's an alledged product from PDAPerformance. They do Contacts 5 and EZMaintain.

    The actual Life@Hand Forum is restricted now and can't be accessed unless you'd signed up for the "beta test".

    It's supposed to include everything that Datebk5 and Agendus has plus much more. The original beta release was scheduled for Dec 17th 2004 and that didn't happen. It got moved to "summer of 05". That didn't happen.

    If it ever comes out - it better be the best thing since sliced bread.

    Gustine and Modesto have been warm - 100 plus for probably 15 or so days. I haven't been there much as my work schedule has even kept me off of the net for "play".

    And since it's after 11:00PM....off to bed.

  4. #4

    Life@Hand Status?

    Hey - two of my favorite guys - OldBlue and Moose Man in one thread....Hiya guys.....

  5. #5

    Life@Hand Status?

    "Hi!" back at ya, Carol! Happy Wednesday! How are things in SubTown USA?

    Moose, thanks for the info on Life@Hand. I will check on it periodically. (Actually, I'll probably rely on your posts to keep me up-to-date, as I usually do. ) I'll stick with DateBk5 for now.


  6. #6

    Life@Hand Status?

    sort OT but has anyone (ie the Moose) heard anything about Agendus 10?

  7. #7

    Life@Hand Status?

    Well you probably know that I am on the Iambic Forums Team, which basically means two things:

    1. I'm there to help with the Forums - much as I am here. Although, there it's in an official capacity and here it's much more casual.

    2. It also means that I am under NDA regarding anything at Iambic.

    But here is what I can say: v10 is the next generation assuming it follows v9. When the next generation is released in an official capacity or a public beta - I will advise here as I usually do.

    Dont' ask me what I can't tell you, please.

  8. #8

    Life@Hand Status?

    Well, fortunately I don't owe Iambic squat. I've paid Iambic over $150 for 4 softwares & upgrades, including $20 to upgrade to version 8. Six weeks later 9 came out, and they wanted another $9.95. I doubt they'll ever see another penny from me, although I'm sure 8.06 won't work with the T5 or LifeDrive should I be forced to change models from the T3.

    Life@Hand (subject of OP) ain't on the horizon. I am willing to at the least theorize, speculate, postulate and or guess . . .

    that A/10 will come in at 2MEG plus and have problems until 10.04, at which point you'll finally give in and pay the upgrade. Two weeks later . . . . A/11. Until they change their scandalous upgrade add-on fees I really don't care what they keep private since I'm not interested.

  9. #9

    Life@Hand Status?

    1. Sorry Moose, obviously I know you are ubder NDA but thought you might be able to give us and idea 'when' rather than 'what'.

    2. Knew this would kick PTL into action

  10. #10

    Life@Hand Status?


    I don't know when....I can say that.

    There have been a lot of changes at Iambic caused by several factors - most of which was the creation of the Iambic Teams Forum. Those changes are/will/should make for a better product and better response to their customer base and potential customers.

    And Paul, his opinion and feelings are well known and in the past somewhat warranted. It may be that things won't change with regards to pricing etc. Iambic acknowledges that these pricing policies have caused issues. I have chosen a path that's different then Paul's and it's only because of my "need" for the program and it's power that it provides.

    I decided to participate in the Iambic Team Forum because of several factors of which "influence" into the product and policy was some inspiration.

    It is a huge program that offers a lot of various options that are not necessarily used by all. It will continue to evolve to stay up with the various devices that are being released by the Palm OS based manufacturers.

    Tell me of another contact manager that uses icon's, provides weather and quotes, directions (when used with mapopolis) and also has a mail client and many other positives. There isn't one....it's the most powerful and as such it's huge.

    I'll let you all know when it's out in public beta - as I always do.

    BTW: I became a IFT Member after v9 was released - as well as the other members joined after v9 so expect some changes with the next generation.



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