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  1. #1

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I'm looking for some honest opinions. I am still going sell the n95 to get an e90 b/c the features and it's standalone usability when i'm out of the country, but for going out at night and for a backup/pretty phone I am looking to get an iphone (not to mention im a apple fanboy and just want one). anyone who has made the switch? Any user comments that could steer me the right way My mind in not totally made up...so suggestions welcome.

  2. #2

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I had an N95 and I love my iPhone. I find the RF much better on the iPhone and the internet usability much better, I am glad I made the switch. Why do you need another phone for international, the iPhone is quadband?

  3. #3

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    While I haven't used the phones you mention above, I have owned the N80ie, 6682, N70, N73, and one who's keypad butterflies out which I can't remember the name of, I would comment that the reasons for leaving were primarily these factors:

    1. General slowness of OS. Clicking the Menu button left me hanging, but once it got the the menu I could shoot around pretty easily.
    2. Slowness of applications. For example, wanting to record a voice-note, I couldn't just push a button and start talking; I had to watch the phone and wait for the recording indicator to come on.
    3. Frustration on lack of apps from S60v2 to v3. Really not relevant to this, but really left me very frustrated and angry with Nokia.

    This is not to say that the Nokia's are super slow; it's just that the "pause" when doing things was noticeable, and that kind of thing added up. I traded over to a WM phone, and that was just simply a complete disaster. If the iPhone was banished from the earth, I would go back to a Nokia phone.

    The iPhone is much faster to use "overall", which is a nice change. The web browsing on the iPhone is so much easier than the Nokia because I touch where I want to go; I don't have to angle around the little pointer to click the link I want, then use a number pad for text entry on logins or url's. I guess there are other browsers out for Nokia now, but I haven't used them.

    Another biggee for me is the battery life, which easily out-performs any other smartphone I've used. Really, really spectacular. I see others are having trouble, and just hope that's a minority - mine's freakin fantastic.

    Whatever you choose - good luck!

  4. #4

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    quadband but i cannot put an int'l sim card in mine ( have intl numbers). What if I need GPS to get around the place? I dont want ot lug around another camera...and no...2mp will not cut it w/o flas and AF (or video). I want to be able to tether via bluetooth and use OBEX file transfers and stream music via BT...not just use a headet.

  5. #5

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I hear you on that one. Nokia has made a HUGE improvement with this year's devicesw/ a processor that makes sense. Remember...N80 was the first S60v3 device and s60v2 is old in terms of tech. that said..the basics are sooooo nice on the iphone

    i hate decisions that cost mt money

  6. #6

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    The E90's web browsing capabilities are far superior to any other S60's. In the s60 -forums I think you will find quite a few iphone>E90 converts that are very happy with the browser. I for one find it to be nearly as good as my old 770 Internet Tablet and in many cases superior with the built in qwerty.

  7. #7

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I too had the N95 a few months back.
    Great little phone, but the Battery was so bad that I sold it about a week or two later.
    I mean whats the point if you use A2DP to listen to MP3's for an hour or so to have 1/2 the battery life left. WiFi was good, but even with the nice Nokia browser it didn't cut it.
    The camera was the best deal out of it all. I loved the 5mp and upload to Flickr.
    But being a Apple guy, the iPhone is the best all around phone I've come across. I guess I wanted all my other phone to work as well as the iPhone does with all my Apple stuff, ie email, iCal and iTunes.
    The camera part doesn't even come close to the N95's and forget about video.
    The iPhone's UI is good enough right now, I'll be upset if I can't change to MP3 ringtones soon, or customize the UI a bit, but if I have to live with it as it is, I will. Until iPhone 2.0 comes out.

  8. #8

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I will say again its what do you want in a phone,i get 5 hrs of a2dp playback with the n95 and although the battery by far isnt the best, it only takes an hr to fully charge, also from the looks of these boards it seems it might be on par with the iphone, with the n95 im not happy with the ram on it, and again reading these threads it dont seem like the iphone handles it to well also, many threads on safari crashing or when using ipod then browsing phone crashing, i know without a doubt the ui on the iphone has to be so much nicer and smoother, but even that after a while will lose its luster, when u come to realize how much u are actually losing, there is no question and im sure no one can deny the e90 and the n95 are much more powerful devices overall, and they both sync to a mac and both use itunes for music transfer, and as for the ui on the e90 or n95 they both are leaps and bounds above the former s60 speed, im not saying its as smooth as the iphone again, Thats where i say its what you want in a phone.

  9. #9

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    I don't have neither phone, but, i'm very interested in getting 1 of the 2(N95 or iPhone)

    I believe it's not nice to lie about fact(phone sizes) when stating your opinion, you can easily mislead people who are gathering information from these forum.

    So far, i've read many pro and cons of both phone, and it really helps me understand what i'm getting myself into.

    Please don't get upset when people catch you stating false information.

  10. #10

    Nokia N95/E90 Converts?

    Had the n95 for 2 weeks. Sold it long before the iphone came out for a number of reasons;

    -worst battery life ive experienced in a phone, wouldn't last an entire day of the use i needed out of it.
    -browser, although the best of a mobile i had used, still not up to my standards
    -the camera's great quality was useless when it took 5 minutes to snap a photo
    -the keyboard was not as comfortable to type on as my w810
    -NO QWERTY on a phone that desperately needs it
    -it was bigger and thicker then I needed
    -build quality was sub par (creaking/groaning), although generally this is not the case with nokia or n95's
    -The ugliest UI i have used yet, aside from my old nokia 8801. Custimizable, sure, but still ugly and poorly transitioned
    -buggy, poor ram (cannot open applications because too many open/being used?) slow and choppy
    -Way tooo expensive considering an extra 200 bucks on the iphone
    -GPS took too long to connect where I am, which made it far from usefull. As well, would often not be able to calculate a route.

    Pretty much eveything on the iphone is superior in terms of my needs( esp. battery life). I was maybe expecting too much from the n95 before it finally arrived, but the same could have been said of my iphone. Its smoother, far less bugs, much prettier, smaller, better UI, better browser, and a qwerty type keyboard.



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