Alright so, long story short, I was thinking back on things that had made me cry over the past few years, and one of the few was taking a trip with my father to put down my dog last April. Now I'm 19, and I'm not ashamed to say I bawled when it was done (though admittedly I tried to hide it). We live in Montana, so it was a fairly short drive to a location outside of town where I spent about twenty minutes digging a suitable grave, and my dad did the deed (because I know I never could have pulled the trigger). The real heart-wrencher was climbing out of that shallow grave to give one last goodbye, when from behind I heard the *bang*, THAT was the moment that got me. But enough of that rant, my question is, do you people think it is morally acceptable as a means of euthanasia to shoot a dog? Naturally my personal opinion is absolutely, my dog was terrified of the vet and she never saw the shot coming, frankly she had been extremely sick and stuck in the house for the last few weeks, so that hour or so she got bounding around freely in the brush was the happiest I've seen her in years, and I'm glad I was there when it had to be done.