ok so im 15 years old ,a girl, and im 5'10 and i weigh 181..i wanna get down to about 155-153 ish!
so i know i need to have a good diet and excersize..
i play club volleyball and thats twice a week for 2 hours plus tournys..
i do elepitcal for half an hour at least twice a week and i sometimes lift weights..
ill admit i dont have the best diet ever but i eat healthy and less then some of my skinnest friends but i still have some fat i could DEFINATLY lose!

i guess im just asking what excerisizes are best for losing stomach fat and toning the stomach.!

(i wanna lose it by march cuz one of my volleyball tournys were staying in a hotel and i wanna be able to wear a swimsuit and not feel fat next to my friends..)

please no stupid..dont eat or buy my product sh!t.
thats not what im loooking for (: