I am a art-teacher at a elementary school and occassionally am asked to substitute at a highschool. I am 28 years old, but am alway mistaken for being in highschool myself. Apparently, I look much younger then I really am.

The other day I was at the mall, walking to the internet cafe with my laptop to do some work. Two young girls (looked about 16-18 themselves) started laughing and pointing at me and yelled (very loudly) comment like "You look like your 16!" and to "Stop trying to act grown!". I'm not sure what they meant by that, but I just kept walking, having no time for confrontation.

I was called in to substitute at the local highschool and went in the next day.
Who do you think was in my class? Yes, two wide-eyes, mouths dropped open girls..the same girls that had harrassed me at the mall the day before. I giggled to myself and when I walked past their desk I said. "Do I still look 16? You're a bit lucky I don't hold a grudge."

What are your "You're lucky I don't hold a grudge." stories?

Yes, this is a question..I am ASKING people to post similar stories.