pointless? I really think youtube has too much music on it. IT makes downloading music seem pointless at times making paying for music even seem more worthless because someone has video of it on there, and you just download the video then convert it to .mp3 file. I have two programs that I could do that with. I actually have over 1.5 Terabytes of music and I have some pretty rare ambient, new age, electronic music and even some of that is uploaded to youtube. Practically 70% of the music I got is on youtube. I really think youtube has negativelly impacted the point of downloading music or even having on your computer because you can just head to that video and watch it there. I can't imagine of youtube was sued by all the music people for copyright, Every country in the world probably over 100,000 lawyers would take part in suing. I'm getting the idea that google who runs youtube takes all the credit from all this while the people who upload it get blamed from copyright infringment from the copyright holders. The funny thing is youtube gets all the traffic ad revenue from this. I'm getting the idea is that google the 50 billion dollar profit company takes all the credit from all those videos uploaded there. I think 80% of google's money isn't even generated by itself moreover just by the people who took the effort in uploaded the content there. Basically making the people who upload videos there do all the work while the people who work at youtube and google sit back and earn all that fucking money. I really think google needs to get it's ass kicked for stealing credit for all the content while people who upload the content get blamed for copyright.
Although this in general is not relative youtube having too mcuh music. I'm just thinking youtube/google is making it pointless to buy it or download and have it on your computer. FUCK YOUTUBE AND GOOGLE. I know this a rant but god dammit this is just fucking gay in my opinion.