Okay, so I had a roommate a year ago who smoked a lot of weed. I never asked her how much she smoked or how much she spent because I didn't want to seem nosey or make her think I was telling her how to spend her money. But looking back I wonder how she could afford as much as she smoked.

I don't really know anything about the grams or pricing of weed, but is there anyone who can maybe give me a ballpark number of what her habit might have costed? Sorry if my terminology sounds funny to you, I just never got into it and didn't learn the lingo.

She started every day with smoking (I don't know how much... can you estimate how much a serious pothead would smoke in the morning?) I would say at least two days out of the week she didn't go to school and would stay home or go to someone's house to smoke all day. But if she decided to go to school she would smoke when she got home, usually with a group of at least two people. I would say she shared hers about 60% of the time and did not ask for compensation. She was a really giving person. I guess they would have a bowl or two. Sometimes a second wave of people would come through to smoke. Multiple groups of guests happened everyday on the weekend. She was super high all day long from about 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. on the weekends. Probably an average of 5 people over everyday on the weekend, with her sharing a lot of the weed.

Basically, I think her aim was to stay high all day. She needed a lot because her body was really used to it (and she was a large girl, if this makes a difference.) I know she would come home to take some hits. She didn't like not being high.

I don't know if this vagueness can help you come up with an estimation. But maybe there is someone who thinks their usage was similar and can come up with an estimation? Keep in mind that she had a lot of income from her parents, so don't underestimate for practicality's sake.

Oh yeah, she never smoked shwag. It was always the most expensive stuff (chronic? dro? is that what it's called?) Also, we lived in Texas (if this makes any difference in the price.)