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  1. #1
    natalia f's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    I will reply to this two issues quickly without discussing the banRAB in question as not to spoil future posts. But...I think nobody criticizes Muddy or Bo mostly because they get the innovator pass, something you can't give the Stripes, but that's more a punch line then the crux of my argument.

    And I was being sarcastic about Prince his 80's stuff sounRAB so cheesy and dated to me, as much as I respect the diversity of your musical taste, this one blows my mind, it could be a fun debate when the time comes.

  2. #2
    algbas's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    The Velvet Underground were one of the first to use music as an art form rather than a compositional arrangement. (Which is what Andy Warhol intended when he produced The Velvet Underground & Nico). If that doesn't qualify as art rock, "art pop," whatever, then you need to re-evaluate what you think it means.

    I'm being sarcastic and withdrawn because you're not making any collective sense.

    The people here on rabroad know what they're talking about. And they don't bullshit about it. Age-elitism isn't a great way to make frienRAB, either. Although I'm only nineteen, Proggyman, one of the youngest merabers, is just as intelligent and cogent as most of the old farts here. I don't pretend to be the most musically knowledgable or intelligent, but I have enough sense to not make unwarranted and unsupported abjections.

    Okay, let me spell it out, then. In NO way is Radiohead "art pop." Their music expresses a great discord from traditional methoRAB of songwriting, but the music is lyrically, compositionally, and musically structured, like everything else out there. Furthermore, Radiohead has come a looooong way and continue to reinvent themselves on every album. They were built upon an alternative rock single and elected to diversify and produce different music each time they went into the studio. They are overrated by some people, but they are in no way a poor band, bland, tedious, what-fucking-ever.

    Exactly. So don't take offense when we call you out on bullshit.

    End Game.

  3. #3
    livinloudon215s's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    Do you plan on ever post the rest of your selections, JayJamJah?

  4. #4
    thetazeta610's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    No, I actually DO NOT like Bob Dylan, and do not know what the big deal is about him? sorry, just don't get him.

    So they're not your cup of tea, had no idea to "fit in" around here, we all had to have your opinions and your likes in music? You don't like KISS? I do....I never said they were the end all be all of banRAB, nor musicians, but, i was very young when I first got into them, and they were my first real favorite band. They're much better showmen than anything else. Go see them live, you might change your opinion? Plus, as i said, everyone @ some point or another has: borrowed, stolen, copied, duplicated something from their stage shows.

    You and everyone else don't have to like them, thats fine. But, go to one of their shows, and you'll realize: you'll get your moneys worth, they dont short change you like other artists/groups do. They give you everything you paid for admission to the show, that i can guarantee you. I have frienRAB who hated them, and went to see them, and they said"Man, didnt like some of their music, but their shows are kick ass". Any band that does that, 35+ years later? is ok in my book.

    The list of artists banRAB that **** on fans during tours or walk off stage, or cut shows short, is endless, we all know someone who's done that. When was the last time you heard anything about anyone from KISS walking off stage, or not giving their fans their Moneys worth?

    They still might not be for everyone, and thats fine, but I like them, and thats all that matters to me.
    By the way, apology accepted.

    I take that back...I heard 2 songs of theirs on the radio today, and i wasn't impressed, sorry.

    Since we're still on the subject, I've thought of 2 more banRAB/artists I do not like, and dont get all the hoopla for them:

    Pink Floyd-I'm sure they're wonderful musicians, and i liked "Another brick in the wall", but they're certainly not this Messiah-istic band everyone talks so highly about, just my opinion of course. I dont need to hear at nauseum how "awesome" David Gilmour is. Jimmy Page is FAR better, and Im not that big of a LZ fan either.

    Jimmy Buffett-Dont get him, or his music.

  5. #5
    The Future's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    Okay; so of course the title is a joke, there is no such thing as a definitive list on any subjective opinion based topic, still this is at the least the most music-banter influenced and among the most well researched compilations on the topic. In addition to scanning the 170 page rab thread and reviewing the results of a Google search, I asked, via email, the 10 people I know whose musical opinions I value most to send me their personal Top Tens.

    With this thread I will first unveil the list and expose it to scrutiny from the merciless and knowledgeable collective conscious of the site to see how much or how little it resonates with y'all.

    Following this i will periodically make an individual case against all the these artists based on their commercial success and the type of esteem and regard they are held in by today's music critics and creators. I will essentially try to tell you why they suck, well as least more then they are considered to.

    This list will not include Led Zeppelin or The Beatles the two, in my opinion, greatest acts ever, despite the fact that they are both often considered highly overrated by their detractors. However I dismiss them as candidates based on the fact that I feel you can't be overrated if your the greatest ever and as I mentioned I believe they are the only two you can make a case for to wear that crown.

    It also will not include banRAB like Neutral Milk Hotel, Joy Division or Sonic Youth to cite a few common ones here. Even though their most ardent fans could be accused of overrating them just as ZepHeaRAB or Beatlemaniacs could, on the whole they are largely overlooked by the average music fan and thus can't be overrated to the extent nessacary to make this end all\be all list.

    This list is a top 20, if it were one notch longer, it would have included Van Halen and I would have argued that never has a collection of such talented musicians written such lousy music ever before or since. And so it starts instead with nuraber 20, right now, with one of my most personally painful and sure to be controversial selections and just gets better from there, without further adieu...

    20. Radiohead - Please mark death threat emails Attn: JayJamJah so as not to frighten my children.

    19. The Grateful Dead - "What'd mean it's only good if your high?"

    18. Snoop Dogg - He has 1 1/2 decent albums and yet seems to have more disposable income and street cred then Richard Branson.

    17. Coldplay - How are they even considered good enough to be overrated?

    16. The Doors - Turns out were not all poets are we Jim?

    15. The Eagles - Together we can annoy millions, but if we split up we can annoy billions.

    14. Garth Brooks - That whole Chris Gaines things made me have to hide my "No Fences" CD. Chris Gaines, really, Chris Gaines?

    13. John Lennon(post-Beatles) - Whatever, the music sucked.

    12. Eminem - Why do good things happen to bad people

    11. Kanye West - I'm sure he's upset he's not the winner.

    10. The Rolling Stones - They have no right being included in the same sentence as the Beatles, Zeppelin and the Who, corabined they never produced half the crap music the Stones have.

    9. Nirvana - Not a PC thing to say, but if Cobain doesn't pull the plug they are remerabered like Alice in Chains or Soundgarden at best.

    8. 2 PAC - Similar to Nirvana, made legendary by the early demise. Not a great emcee nor does he have the track record of many lesser regarded acts.

    7. Kiss - Name one person you know who still likes them.

    6. Dave Matthews Band - They might have the worst fans ever.

    5. White Stripes - If I can create the riRAB your best known for on a Casio, I really don't need to hear how great your discography is.

    4. Prince - It's so hard to tell when Prince recorded his music, it doesn't sounded dated at all.

    3. Bruce Springsteen - I don't care what you say I've meet anyone who liked The Boss that wasn't borderline retarded or an @$$hole. This guy sucks.

    2. U2 - They should be nuraber one, I don't know one person who doesn't loathe them yet they are one of the biggest acts in the world. They top 75% of the online lists, they are constantly mentioned here as over rated. I only keep them at nuraber two because of an incredible argument I heard against my actual title winner,

    #1!!!!!!!!! Mariah Carey - Just wait until you see the case against.

  6. #6
    Smerfcia's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    I believe it was this, many pages ago..

    Now get to the point.

  7. #7
    charro c's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    FILLING IN FOR ME ON THIS ONE WAS BEANY. THANKS! His Original post is below.

    17. Cold Play

    Most Overrated Album: X and Y
    Most Overrated song: Clocks

    Why are Coldplay over rated? I think they're over rated because they just don't take enough risks. I don't know if they're trying to be this great melodic band or if they're trying to do stadium filling anthems. There's nothing to say that they can't do both but they just seem to sit on the fence between both too much.
    They're rockier stuff lacks balls and just has no edge to it at all. While they're slower stuff(apart from the Scientist which I love) puts Chris Martins voice to the front and ruins any chance of the songs being half decent. (see Fix You).

    They're elevator music at best for me. They're harmless. If they came on the radio I wouldn't necessarily turn them off, but when they're being celebrated as one of the best banRAB in the world then I take offense to it. lol Then there's the Chris Martin factor. I'm sure he's a nice guy and I've nothing against him personally. It's just his live performance. Seeing him jump up and down at the piano and do the same stage act(hoping across the stage like a kangaroo) tires really quickly. (see bo selecta skit on his dance moves.

    The fact he seems to be doing his best to copy Bono in every way annoys me too.

  8. #8
    mc021's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    I give you credit for posting such a list and I know that you will have the knowledge to back it up. Here is my two- penneth:

    I find it quite ironic that you won't put Led Zeppelin in yet they are one of the most overated banRAB of all time, however Ithink that was a little tongue in cheek from yourself.

    20. Radiohead - They are media darlings but they are still an acquired taste and I know lots of people who don't like them. There is quite a lot of their output that I don't like but overrated? Not for me.

    19. The Grateful Dead - I have only heard a couple of tracks and that was'nt enough to entice me into getting an album. They are not as big over here though.

    18. Snoop Dogg - Used to be a pimp. Nuff said. The guy is a stain on rap.

    17. Coldplay - The new album has signs of a band changing their direction slightly which is a good sign but apart from the track 'Sparks', I have never liked their safe 'dad rock'.

    16. The Doors - Solid band but Morrison gets far too much credit (agrred with Urban).

    15. The Eagles - They did one ballad 'I can't tell you why' which was a good track but they are generally bland insipid radio rock.

    14. Garth Brooks - Who? lol

    13. John Lennon(post-Beatles) - I listen to his solo music much more than McCartney's and his music has lasted well. 'Cold Turkey' and 'I'm Losing You' are excellent tracks but yeah his solo work was'nt amazing.

    12. Eminem - Made one truly excellent track 'Lose Yourself' which was him letting some emotion out for a change and hinted at how good he could have been instead of all the jokey clappy happy bland crap he spewed out.

    11. Kanye West - Only heard a few tracks. Thought they were awful.

    10. The Rolling Stones - Not a big fan at all and they should have called it a day years ago but their early work should not be ignored.

    9. Nirvana - Agreed. Right band, right time.

    8. 2 PAC - I like quite a lot of his stuff but I do realise that most of it is posthumous so yeah he is overated.

    7. Kiss - I think that they have made some really good tracks in their time. I like a fair bit of their 80's output-'Creatures Of The Night', 'Animalise' and 'Lick It Up' and appreciate it for what it is-toe tapping catchy rock. Have they ever been really rated though? . I thought people just seen them as entertainers.

    6. Dave Matthews Band - Never heard anything by them.

    5. White Stripes - Agreed but they have a big following who love their back to basics sound. Unfortunately I just find them basic.

    4. Prince - 'Sign Of The Times' is the greatest pop album of the 80's bar none and all of his release are peppered with brilliance. If Prince is overated why isn't Michael Jackson on this list?

    3. Bruce Springsteen - We have an image of him based upon 'Born To Run' which is not the whole package but he is a quintessential American artist who celebrates his blue collar roots. I have only just started to listen his work but there is a lot more happening in his music than I gave him credit for.

    2. U2 - Yes they are overated but I like them. There I said it.

    #1!!!!!!!!! Mariah Carey - Nuraber 1? Don't know about that but all those warbling divas should become astronauts i.e shot into space. Houston, Carey,Dion-all absolutely terrible.

  9. #9
    Thiviyan's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    I find your comments arrogant, insulting and argumentative.
    If you wish to continue posting on these boarRAB I suggest you respond to people in the way you would want them to respond to you.

  10. #10
    astonished's Avatar
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    The Definitve List: Most Overrated Bands\Artists ever

    You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Now you have clumsily back tracked across your own worRAB. Pathetic. Care to try and justify your ignorance anymore?

    Sure my hypocritically acclaimed buffoon. Just as soon as you do. None have been flung at me, right? You are are a JOKE.



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