So lately my phone has been telling me my internal memory has been low. So I have been deleting a few big apps that I don't use much but they were only about 10mb and the internal memory of the hero is 2gb. I'm also a pretty heavy texter on my phone and I have two contacts that I text frequently and a lot. One has over 2,000 messages and the other is around 1,500 messages. I've tried to do the hold down and delete all the messages but it doesn't work because it takes a long time and even after a certain time it just gives up. I've even tried to do the deleting and then go to sleep and it's still there when I wake up. I've tried most of the obvious stuff like going into the messages and hitting menu and delete still no. And doing the one at a time thing would take an impossible amount of time.
Is there a way to delete all the messages at the same time easily? I don't really need any of my messages.