I have what could probably be called "chronic calf tightness"....Basically I have very tight calves that sometimes lead to foot and ankle problems. I have undergone treatment, including physical and massage therapy.

During physical therapy, I was told that I could go over areas on my calves that were sore and try to push down on them to break up muscle adhesions. When I was most recently doing this, I came across a spot on my lower right calf, maybe six inches up from my ankle that triggers what I would describe as a "shock" down near my ankle in the achilles area...fairly intense. It is only in this specific area down by the ankle, not anywhere else on the foot, not anywhere else on the leg. Does not happen any other time unless I am pushing down on that spot on the calf.

Is this spot I am pushing on a trigger point that is referring pain to this other spot? I have never had this happen before, so I am concerned that it is something else....Should I keep pushing on it to try to get rid of it, or do I leave it alone?