You build me up to tare me down.
Without even realizing what you are doing.
You break my heart and hurt me badly.
You tell me you love me then just let me go.
As if I meant nothing at all.
You tare me away and apart.
Nothing to do but stop the tears from falling.
Down my cheeks they fall.
Running away faster and faster.
Never to stop again.
So completely lost in thought to not notice me fall.
Heart so cold and cruel.
With everything I have.
I truly love all the things you are.
You are my everything…
And to think I could fall.
I don’t see how many times I could fall.
Desperately trying to pull myself from despair.
Calling out to all who could listen
Feeling nothing at all inside.
Hoping to feel up that emptiness I now feel inside.
Clinging to a life once full of joy.
Now falling in pieces all around me.
Seeing how messed up this life has turned out to be.
Reaching out for a hand that never will come again.
I love you still with every breath I take.
Passing through all this lonely hours.
Never to really know the truth.
I wonder why this could have happened to me.
Feeling desperate and all alone.
Knowing that I shall never again be alone.
Fighting without a cause.
Knowing not what I really want.
Feeling nothing but all those feelings I hold for you.
Holding all the love in my heart they will become my memories.
My memories of you.
The one I love with all my heart
Never to love anybody else.
Its not like tear as in crying...but like ripping.
Its not like tear as in crying...but like ripping.
Its not like tear as in crying...but like ripping.