
Why do most mammals seem to have perfectly groomed hair? While humans must trim theirs .

The first hair follicles begin to form by the third month in the womb. The follicles produce lanugo hair. These rather long, silky hairs are usually shed in the womb a few weeks prior to birth and are replaced with vellus hairs, which grow out of the same hair follicles. A premature baby may appear surprisingly hairy because of unshed lanugo hair.

Amazingly, we are born with all the hair follicles we are ever going to have, and these follicles normally continue to produce hairs throughout our lives. Beginning at puberty, some follicles that had been producing terminal hairs begin to replace them with almost invisible vellus hairs. So you don’t lose hairs as you age, your hair just gets smaller.

If hair grew longer and longer without being released from the follicle, it would be disastrous for the mammals that don’t visit a barber. Can you imagine a squirrel dashing through the branches, dragging a couple feet of hair?

Hair grows about .3 mm per day (about three tenths the thickness of a dime). Within a year, our scalp and beard can produce nearly five inches (13 cm). By comparison, the longest hairs on our arm have a growth cycle of less than two months.

God is indeed a master designer!
Deep thought and fffff....

...and your empirical scientific evidence....is what? Maybe....Perhaps...Most likely...or is thought to have occurred?