OK, to start off I'm a healthy 24 year old. No smoking, no diseases, no drinking or anything. I haven't had any head injuries within the past 15 years so it cant be that.. Anyways, they don't last very long.. Maybe like 5-10 seconds and then they go away but they happen like every hour or so and this has been going on for going on 4 days. They aren't super bad or anything. From a 1-10 pain scale they are about a 3. I have been sick with a head cold/chest cold for going on a month now. No mucus anymore just a post nasal drip. I still have a cough that wont seem to go away. I also have a anxiety disorder and depression and have been anxious lately. A lil stressed too at times seeming as I have 2 kids that I'm always chasing after.. But besides that everything's cool. No other symptoms. I'm a little sleep deprived since I have a 11 month old daughter that still wakes up 2'ce a night. Don't know if this could be sleep related or something. I also drink coffee so might it be that? Thanks for the help!