that I have to do? Please: if you don't want to fill it out then don't do it it, I don't want rude answers.

This Questionnaire is about the views parents have on raising children and in particular a system of raising children called the Continuum Concept

Age of oldest child
Number of children

Have you hear of the Continuum Concept: Yes/No
If yes, what is your view on it...

What is your view of a system of raising children that entitles the parents to hold their child for the first nine months of their life(i.e. to carry the child with you every where you go and then it to let to sleep in your bed)...

How was your experience of raising children...

How did you child(s) between 0-1 year behave as a baby (did he cry a lot, was he a content baby, was he quite...)

All parents who have gone through the Continuum Concept have described their experience of raising children as "A Breeze". Would you commit to doing the Continuum Concept... Why...

Do you agree with hitting children, Yes/No

What punishment do you agree with...

Thank you, and if you don't understand a question just answer it like you think its supposed to mean.