I just started riding today on my 2000 YZ125. The bike first me well, I learned to shift right for the most part and got on the Motocross track pretty quick.. Now the track is fairly big and the jump are MUCH calmer then the other tracks so I decided to learn that..

After I got comfortable with being on the dirt and what not I decided to give myself some gas as I went over a jump with a flat top about 20 feet long. I made the jump but at a price.. my body began to fly away and my front end was coming almost straight down towards the dirt..

I made it though luckily. And now I try hard to keep my knees glued on the bike now on.

But the real problem is.. How do I get air? I tried giving it throttle just as im about to on top of the ridge of the jump and that either sends my flying over it but it doesnt feel right..

I feel like I just need to go faster to be able to just soar over them

What is the proper procedure to make a clear a dirt jump?
OR should I just chill for now? It is quite a big step at the moment I think.. Not an out of reach goal though