This girl and I have been emailing each other back and forth since October 15th.

Today at school, I noticed the girl I like was sitting at a table alone. Usually during break time, she sits with her best friend and the two of them talk a lot.

So today, I asked her if I could sit at her table and she said yea sure and I sat down. At first I was "Are you sure because I don't want to take your friends seat.? (her friend was in line for something) and she said yea it's ok (or something like that). So I talked with the two of them about our Holidays and a paper we have to write for class.

Now I noticed the girl and her friend were talking and her girlfriend was saying "So let me get your number so I can send you a text."

Now at the time, I thought the two of them were just taking care of their own business. But then when I got home I started wondering if her girlfriend set that little thing up as an act to make it easier for me to get the girls number. Phone numbers and texting were in the discussion at the time.

I notice when I talked to the two of them, they concentrated on had to say. Her girlfriend made big eyes at me like she was mesmerized by me or something.

Then the girl I liked would make big smiles when I said certain things.

Now the thing is, I think her and I both are somewhat shy. I like taking things slow but I don't want her to think I'm not interested.

I added the girls best friend as a friend on Facebook and she accepted my request.

I checked on Facebook and the girl I like doesn't have a Facebook.

I feel like such a jerk though because I haven't asked the girl for her number yet. She was kind of waiting at the end of class but I assumed she was waiting to talk to the instructor so I told her to have a good weekend and she told me to have the same.

What makes it worse too is that next week is our last week of classes.

I never talked to the girl much when she was talking to her best friend because I didn't want to intrude on them.

I feel like a jerk because I feel like I neglected her a little