I am NOT looking for any gay bashing... I know people that are gay (men and women) and some are friends. I just don't accept the lifestyle as a normal alternative to a heterosexual relationship. But more and more gayness(?) is presented as "normal". The reason men and women have hormonal and physical attraction to one another is to perpetuate our species (procreation). If everyone were gay, how would we survive? Where would babies come from? Should we pass on to our children the idea that being gay is normal? I accept gayness because I have to but no arguement in the universe can change the fact that it is NOT normal.
This is the absolute truth. The reason I asked this question is because I was brutally molested from the age of nine until I was twelve. It was by a gay cousin that was much older than I was. That totally screwed up my sexual developement. And being a smart kid didn't help much either, I wasn't a dork though... played football, raced, wrestled, all the expected activities of a young boy. Just couldn't start or get into a relationship after the incidences started. And I liked girls before it happened and continued to like girls while it was happening and liked girls after it ended. For those of you who gave me a hostile response... I don't hate gays but I do hate my cousin. He's dead now though and I never got a chance to confront him.