as the snow Flakes fell around
i knew this would happen before
it started.
they ranted and raved about Change;
yes, i have a penny and a dime
in my pocket:
kept there because work...
useless time wasted looking for it.

as the Flakes replace themselves,
because they were to dumb to see:
is not always good for me.
if it means giving up Liberty!

i question all the answers Given.
some would say i make no Cents (sense).
not 'really' working since
'02'; you know the rest...

as you Look inside the serene,
a bit of restlessness Chimes,
"will i be able to feed the kids?"
this time next century or Year.

if i have made some sense to you
offer comments kind or true.
not that kindness is reality,
but some would say it's better than
or fiction in...the end.