I'm a freshman. As a younger girl I was never really into sports...now that I'm learning what I'm interested in and what I'm not interested in, I'm finding that I REALLY want to find a sport to join. This year I tried out for volleyball, but got cut because of all the other freshmen with better skill. But I'm finding that while I do like volleyball, it's not the sport for me to get better at. I'm planning on trying out for badminton in the spring, but have much to improve on. I also swim, but not competitively. I'm a really hard worker and very motivated to learn new things, but other sports I seem to like (really any sport but especially soccer, lacrosse, hockey, and the ones I've already mentioned) are ones I should have started earlier in my life and not start from scratch so they're out of the picture. My parents never thought athletics were that important but I'm trying to express my interest so they start to understand it... But if I were to try out for a different sport next year or later this year for the spring season, what advice could you give me on doing my absolute best and showing the coaches that I'm willing to work even if I still have skills to develop? I know there's a lot of competition out there but I just want to do it for the fun and to meet new people...high school only happens once thanks!