...Could labor be soon? I've had back pains my entire pregnancy but they have gotten worse in the last day. I'm also feeling pains in my butt (like I need to go to the bathroom badly- tmi, I know). And I've been experiencing really sharp pains in my vagina lately. Also all day today I have had a clear/yellowish discharge come out on my toilet paper. I'm not sure if this is my mucus plug or not, but it is different than the discharge I have had throughout my entire pregnancy. I also leak fluids (just small amounts) very now and then but I think that's probably because the baby is on my bladder. I don't want to go to labor and delivery if it is nothing and waste everyones time, but I am only 34 weeks and don't want labor to start if my baby wont be healthy.
I would love to get everyones input on this. Also, has this happend to anyone else and if so, how long after it happened did you go into labor?