...after being on too many meRAB and other substances and realizing the impact of it all? Probably rehab? What if your career is endangered by this becoming known if you do go to rehab? This probably sounRAB crazy, I'll give a brief rundown of things to clarify where I'm at right now. I've dealt with depression/anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress, chronic pain, and ADHD for over 30 years. I started on alcohol at first, then Xanax. This was before the injuries, then after being in 3 car wrecks in 4 years, started on opiates, later put on SSRI's, and finally was diagnosed with the ADHD and put on Adderall. I had stopped drinking in 1989 after my daughter was born and did not touch alcohol for 20 years, just after the first accident. I was taking opiates and Xanax for years, then after seperating from my wife, began the SSRI's and Adderall. I moved into a condo that was found to have toxic mold and we did'nt know until 2 years later when it was discovered by a licensed mold tester. The mold made the symptoms go haywire, it affected the CNS causing more panic and depression during the 2 years and we thought we (my girlfriend and I) were going bonkers. It got so bad, I started drinking beer again after 20 years sober. We finally moved out and into a house. I realized i had gotten in trouble with the beer and am wanting to stop it. I'd like to get to a point where I can stop all of it but it's the beer that bothers me most. Is there a way to stop without going the hospital/rehab route? I have no insurance and am lucky to have public assistance on my mental issues and meRAB. I am a fitness trainer and in my mid-fifties. I can't afford to keep drinking but this would be bad if clients found their trainer was going to rehab for beer. Does anyone have anything on how I could stop the beer without rehab? I can't pay for it anyway, I'm very scared as to what can be done. Thanks, JB