Well there is this guy i like called Sean. Both he and i are 16 years old but he is a few months older.
We are good friends but we don't talk much outside of school, but when we are in school, we talk a lot.
We are in a lot of the same classes, we talk around the halls, we even share a locker.....
we have been friends before i knew i was gay, but i really REALLY like him. I have been crushing on him for like 3 months now...... i have been leaving subtle hints, but i don't think he is catching on.....
Wait, sorry i forgot to mention, i don't even know if the guy is gay or not.
But i think he is, we seem to play around a lot, we touch a lot, like slapping, getting into mess fights, and pretending to be gay/rape (yeah i know, ironic).

But anyway, today we were walking to the bus stop, (i usually get the buss home, and he walks) and he said '' do you want to walk home?'' and i said no. so we were across the road from the bus stop, and the buss was comming and i said see ya tomorrow, but he said, no walk with me....
he wouldn't let me cross the road...... so anyway i said fine i will walk (i was just being lazy getting the bus, we live like 5 mins from eachother)

so anyway we were walking and talking, you know, the usual.
But anyway when we got to his house, he said, you have to go that way...
and i said, walk to my house, and he said i can't.
so anyway, we said out goodbyes and when i looked back, he didn't look back. just kept walking......

i am kinda comfused........ i thought he liked me, and he had plenty of opertunitys, i think he knows i like him, whats the problem, other then the posibility of him being straight, but come on........

also, i forgot to mention, we were talking and i mentioned,
''did you hear the Mrs Wilmot is dating the new teacher?''
and he said, ''searously, wait, ohh i thought you meant two girl teachers...''
and i said'' are you telling me that you would like to see wilmot with another girl?''
and he said '' mehh.......''
i am really confused!!!!
please help me..
he never had any real girlfriends... and he is a good looking guy!
he doesnt talk about girls much other then the above.......
please help!!!!!!!

btw, sorry about the rant, bear with me....
But then explain the teacher comment??