there - what does it mean? He used to show that he liked me for a year and I really liked him too but I'm shy so I ended up ignoring him a lot, which I regret HEAPS. The next year he gave me what I gave him but when I was nice he'd be nice but ignore me the next day, and when I ignored him (unintentionally!) he'd do the same.
I sent him an anonymous rose for Valentine's Day but he didn't recieve it (was away) and on Facebook wanted the girl who sent it to inbox him. He wrote to his (male) friend "Wanna know!! Hopefully she's hot." -he wants a random hot girl?? Anyway I took a chance and inboxed him, confessed it was from me and he was online but replied next morning "Ohh ok. Thanks for that." That day he stared at me in class but I ignored it and now he won't look at me again. He did that before the rose thing as well. (On the first day of school he wouldn't pass a paper round to me, just kept his head down and wouldn't touch it & avoided looking at me in group.) He'll turn/look away when I'm near. I guess I deserve being ignored after what I did EVEN THOUGH I liked him the whole time? (2 years). I'm scared of talking to him because I keep thinking he's over me? Though he still can't look at me. HELP!!